Donald Southall
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our long-standing trustee and former Chair, Donald Southall.
Donald died peacefully on 29th May 2022, aged 88. In recent weeks he had been receiving palliative care at his home in York and he died with members of his family by his side.
Donald was grandson to Wilfred Southall and he served the Trust faithfully for almost 35 years, from November 1987 until May 2022. He was Chair of the Trust for 16 years, between 1999 and 2015.
We were delighted to see Donald in-person at our most recent meeting, in March. Unknown to all of us at the time, this was to be his last meeting with the Trust and we are very disappointed not to have been able to give him the send-off that he deserved. We will be considering a fitting tribute in the months ahead.
If/when a public obituary for Donald is available, we will share it on this page.
Our thoughts, prayers and love are for Hilary, Tonya, Nick, Tristan and their families at this time.