“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Children of God” ~ Jesus of Nazareth

Peace & Reconciliation
As a devout Quaker and a follower of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, Wilfred Southall was a pacifist, believing that war and violence should be avoided at all costs and that there should be a relentless pursuit to settle disputes by peaceful means. The Trust maintains this position.
Each year, we award grants to organisations that promote peace and reconciliation. Some recent examples are as follows:
Charity Name | Project | Amount Granted | Award Year |
Welsh Centre for International Affairs | Support to develop the Wales Peace Schools scheme - a resource to train young people to develop self-esteem, positive communication and non-violent conflict resolution skills. | £3,000 | 2021 |
International Voluntary Service (IVS) | Support for the charity's 90th anniversary by producing a digital resource to celebrate and document the impact of volunteering for peace and international understanding and promoting the work of IVS. | £3,000 | 2021 |
CRESST | Support for a post-lockdown relaunch project to revive and initiate peer mediation schemes in primary schools during the academic year 21/22. | £4,875 | 2021 |
Peace Museum | Support towards a move to new premises. | £5,000 | 2021 |
Peacemakers (West Midlands Quaker Peace Education Project) | Support towards the charity's core costs (rent, materials, publicity and staff costs). | £3,000 | 2022 |